The Health: It’s Personal Merchandise Line

Green and Gold Classic Maximalist Sports Football Event Flyer.png

Thanks for the trauma - let's get started on the healing!

In homage to the harsh experiences that made us into

the incredible, dynamic people we've become.

When we first started the Health: It’s Personal podcast, we spoke with so many people who have experienced tough things in life. Instead of focusing on that trauma, they chose to pour their energy into healing, learning and growing. They sought help, gained knowledge and skills and took what they learned to help inspire or support others. In turn, this inspired us to do more of the same.

With that trauma comes evolution, connection, knowledge and growth. Without it, we wouldn’t be who we are. Some trauma is devastating and difficult to manage and overcome. In no way do we want to minimize it, and we encourage those facing serious physical and emotional trauma to seek out help and support in your community. Please consider us part of that community.

No matter where you are in your journey, building resiliency during tough times can impact your future - so much so, that some challenges, while tough in the moment, can have potentially positive impacts on our ability to adapt and our physical and mental health in the future. “There is actually a term for the process – post-traumatic growth – and it refers to the benefit and personal growth that comes from experiencing a crisis.” In her article published in UW Health, “The Surprising Benefit of Going Through Difficult Times,” Shilagh Mirgain, PhD calls it “The Phoenix Phenomenon” as a new person rises from the ashes. Dr. Mirgain goes on to explain that with this evolution comes “a deeper sense of self and purpose, a greater appreciation for life and loved ones, and an increased capacity for altruism, empathy and desire to act for the greater good.” Here at Health: It’s Personal, we celebrate this transformation.

Whether you’re facing a global or personal crisis—or a mix of both—building resilience can help you cope with stress, overcome adversity, and enjoy the better days to come.

As we considered launching our merch line, we had community, connection and care in mind. We thought about the trauma we’ve endured in our own lives, and that which our guests and listeners have so generously shared with us. As our goal is to help people feel less alone, a huge part of that is having tough conversations about topics nobody really likes to talk about. These conversations are so important, but they’re understandably challenging to navigate as they often bring up so many issues from our past.

For those experiences that contributed to our growth, inner peace and strength, we’re here to say:

thanks for the trauma!

We hope this line of merchandise brings you as much joy as it does for us. Through all of these tough conversations with guests and experts as well as our personal reflections and connections to these topics, one of the biggest coping mechanisms we’ve employed is laughter. So please join us in enjoying some of the best medicine life has to offer. Many of these topics are no laughing matter, but sometimes a good chuckle is just what the doctor ordered.

We also hope our “Thanks for the Trauma!” merchandise is a great starting point for your own tough conversations. Let your friends, family, and even strangers know that you’re a safe person to talk to, that you won’t judge them, that you are chill enough to have a laugh with them too, and most importantly, that they’re not alone.

Each week this fall, we plan to share a new saying that was inspired by one of our many amazing conversations. Please consider sharing these healing and connecting words with your friends, family and community. They make great gifts and have the ability to inspire and bridge groups in your schools, offices and places of worship. If you have a group that would like to spread their own message, reach out and we can create a campaign just for you!

Want to know when we launch a new message? Follow us on social media or click here to join our email list.

As we revisit all the inspiration behind this merch line, we wanted to give a shout-out to some of our most inspiring trauma-centered episodes—we so appreciate all of our guests, but especially these highlights, as they dove into some seriously tough conversations!


We hope you enjoy these products as much as we do! All proceeds go directly support Health: It’s Personal so we can continue to bring you amazing content, expert guests, and personal stories.

Have any merch recommendations or ideas you’d like to see next? Let us know on social or in the comments!


Have a story you’d like to share? We’d love to hear it. Send us a message, comment below or tag us on Instagram @theHIPpodcast.


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